ZYMURGY, pluralized ZYMURGIES, is that branch of applied chemistry that deals with fermentation for winemaking and brewing specifically.
The word ZYMURGY was coined in 1868, by combing "zymo" - the Greek for "to leaven" with "ourgia", for "working."
There's "pure" chemistry, which is the science of increasing the knowledge of chemistry, and then there's "applied" chemistry" which is the application of the principles of chemistry to solving problems.
More words that end in "urgy":
SCRABBLE-Os (BINGOS) 7-Letter words
LITURGY - a collection of formulas for WORSHIP
SPLURGY - spending a lot of money. "She was feeling SPLURGY"
THEURGY - divine intervention in human affairs. "If I win this tournament, I'll believe in THEURGY." "That was a THEURGIC win for me."
5-letter words
SURGY - "the waves are SURGY."
8 letter words
CHEMURGY - applied chemistry used in the farming industry
HIERURGY - holy act or rite of worship
MICRURGY -dissection under a microscope
Even though they don't appear in the Official Scrabble Dictionary, 5th edition, the following words can be used in Scrabble because they appear in the Tournament word list.
THAUMATURGY - the workings of miracles. "thauma" is Greek for WONDER.
METALLURGY - working with metals.
DRAMATURGY - working with theater scripts
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